Praise God!

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Date: 29 June, 2018
Text: Psalm 100
Title: Praise is Comely for the Upright
Ill. Ofen as I do evangelism I use painting as an illustration of creation.
I'll say to an atheist - imagine me being a tour guide at the National Art Gallery and showing a painting and saying, 
"This incredibly detailed landscape happened when there was an explosion in a paint factory in Edinburgh."
Often people will argue - ok, if God created it then what about all the bad things.
I'll illustrate the Fall of man by saying, "Imagine my glorious painting was vandalized during the night by someon. I'm standing there the next day heart broken over my creation and the tour guide comes in and says, "This artist is contemptible because he marred his awesome creation with grafiti."
All unbelievers ought to stop and think - What does God think about a creation which refuses to praise Him for what He has graciously given to them? Evolution and unbelief have robbed God of His rightfuly praise.
Worse by far - is when God's people cease to give Him praise for all He has given to them.
Psa 33:1  Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright.
Psa 147:1  Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.
Psa 103:2  Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
ill. Israel was warned that in times of ease it is easy to forget the one Who brought you into the land of peace.
Deut. 6:10  And it shall be, when the LORD thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities, which thou buildedst not,
11  And houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full;
12  Then beware lest thou forget the LORD, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
ill. Paul rightly says....
1Co 4:7  ....and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?
our text: Psalm 100 has a subtitle - "A Psalm of Praise"
We need to praise God this morning! Are you praising God?
When you stop praising God you have forgotten the source of your blessing.
Praise Him everyone!
exp. It is sad to hear God's name taken in vain.
 ill. When I hear it people say, "O my God" I will often say to them, "He is my God." I had one man say, "God almighty!" I said, "You are so correct. He is almighty."
note: Sadly - God is most often talked about vainly!
Exo 20:7  Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Deu 5:11  Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
  app. Our world has taken up the opportunity to curse Him - we ought to take the opportunity to bless Him.
A. Praise Him audibly!
1  Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
exp. God's human Creation ought to wake up every morning with praise for the creation. His creation does.
 ill. Walk in the morning and listen to the birds praising His name. Listen to the brook babbling praise to God and the trees singing His praise. GOD WANST US TO LIKEWISE MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE TO HIM.
Ill. God blessed me this week with the energy, weather and strength to stain 12 exterior windows and three doors with 3 coats of stain. Benson helped me to sand them down.
As I was doing that on the hottest day in 20 years (in some places) I heard the kids having a water fight in the driveway - it was a joyful noise. It's delightful to listen to.
 ill. We may get a school near us and I'm excited about that - it is fun to hear the children laughing and playing. THERE IS SOMETHING WONDERFUL ABOUT JOYFUL NOISE.
ill. In contrast - it is burdensome to hear whining and complaining - parents can attest to that.
 app. What kind of noise is coming to the Creator's ears from your life today? Can you WITH CHEER FROM YOUR HEART praise God LOUDLY! Are you excited to be in God's house today learning God's Word?
B. Praise Him everywhere!
1  Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.
exp. Praise God - the Gospel is an all nations - all lands - Gospel.
ill. Our church in NYC was a lot of fun because it was multi-cultural. Africans, Jamaicans, Hatians, Peruvians, Aftrican, Bolivian (pastor's wife), Irish Catholic New Yorker (Pastor) - now pastored by a young man who's family was from Haiti. 
ill. Free Baptist Chruch has at times been very multi cultural.
 ill. If you don't like other nationalities - you aren't going to enjoy Heaven. People from all lands are going to be there.
 ill. God in his mercy warns ALL LANDS to repent.
Revelation 14:6  And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,
7  Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
exp. Scotland is not ok in her atheism.
Psa 9:17  The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
Psa 50:22  Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.
app. Praise God - we can praise our God multi-culturally.
II. Praise Him because you know Him.
exp. I don't blame unbelievers for not giving glory to God. They have never met Him. If they know anything about him - it is intellectual and not relational.
 ill. The early church sacrificed greatly to provide for the needs of the church.
Acts 4:34  Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold,
35  And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.
exp. I imagine that some people sold lands that had been in the family for ages. This is just a guess - but I imaginen that those who knew them better appreciated their sacrifice and let them know their appreciation for what they had given.
 app. We know the great sacrifice of our Lord this morning - it was there that our relationship with Him was established.. 
1Pe 2:24  Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
A. We get to serve Him.
2  Serve the LORD with gladness: 
 question: Why do you serve God - (maybe you don't.) Obviously in that case - you don't count it a privilige to serve Him. But, if you are doing anything for God - why are you doing it?
ill. Attending the Dunhill Links annually. Getting to speak with a lady last year who volunteers every year to help in the tournament. They are volunteers. They get a jacket and some small benefits.They are not sad - THEY SERVE BECAUSE THEY WANT TO SERVE.
ill. Paul viewed his servanthood to Jesus as a HIGH CALLING.
Php 3:14  I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
app. Was it a burden for you to participate in ministry this past month - football tournament, gala parade, gala day? Or was it your joy to be involved in God's work?
B. We get to draw near to Him.
come before his presence with singing.
exp. We ought not to enter into the king's presence with sadness. How can you be near God and not be excited.
ill. Watched a documentary this past week on the British made fighter jet - the Harrier. Only the very best pilots can fly it. One pilate said, "This is my office. I can't imagine why 8 year old doesn't want to grow up to do the job that I do. He loves his job because it keeps him close to his plane.
exp. The greatest joy of doing God's work is that it keeps you close to God.
1Co 3:9  For we are labourers together with God:
 ill. When I was Graduate Assistant at Bob Jones - my position was changed to a manager at the Snack Shop. I was over concessions. They hired my wife to work with me. It was great - newly weds - going to work together. We loved it!
 app. Are you excited to be gather together in God's presence this morning. Did your lips open to sing praise to God this morning?
III. Praise Him because He is God.
3  Know ye that the LORD he is God: 
exp. Wow - the I AM - Jehovah - is God and he is God alone.
Deu 4:35  Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the LORD he is God; there is none else beside him.
Deu 4:39  Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.
1Ki 8:60  That all the people of the earth may know that the LORD is God, and that there is none else.
Isa 45:5  I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:
Isa 45:6  That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.
Isa 45:18  For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.
Isa 45:22  Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.
Isa 46:9  Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
exp. Evolution glorifies man as the highest order. Creation reveals that God is INCREDIBLY ABOVE EVERYTHING AS THE SOLE POWER OF ALL THINGS.
A. There is no mankind without him.
it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; 
note: Most of mankind are so foolish that there biggest problem with the Bible is the first verse of the Bible. "In the beginning God.....
exp. Evolution and humanism are "self made" religions. They are a worship system - replacing God with man. Man has achieved it. Man has done it. They hate God - because they are competing against him for glory.
 app. Have you got an ability this morning? Who gave it to you?
Have you got money this morning? Who gave it to you?
Have you got family today? Who gave it to you?
Have you forgotten believer that YOUARE WHAT YOU ARE BY THE GRACE OF GOD?
B. He lovingly cares for us.
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
ill. Duchess is growing up and we are enjoying getting her out more. She is fun because she is OUR DOG. She is part of the family. We care for her and laugh at her. (She went swimming this week and she looks like a drowned rat when she gets out and then shakes over everyone.)
question: I'm sorry for comparing us to a dog this morning - but isn't there something wonderful about the fact that WE ARE GOD'S PEOPLE AND THE SHEEP OF HIS PASTURE.  Doesn't He then care for us and delight in what is going on in our lives?
 app. Have you thanked him recently for making you "his people" and caring for you as His sheep?
IV. Praise Him because He is King.
A. You get to come into His kingdom.
4  Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: 
ill. Often when you visit someone's home you bring them a gift. It is a wonderfully kind tradition to be a blessing to a home as you enter into it.
ill. Because we often have guests in our home from the States - they will ask us - do you want us to bring something and will insist that we give them some ideas. (imported stuff is fun when they are things that you can't get anywhere else.) 
 exp. God has invited you into His kingdom and he's asked you to bring what only you can give - PRAISE TO HIM.
 ill. Hymn - Holy, holy, is what the angels sing.
1. There is singing up in Heaven 
such as we have never known,
Where the angels sing the praises 
of the Lamb upon the throne,
Their sweet harps are ever tuneful, 
and their voices always clear,
O that we might be more like them 
while we serve the Master here!
Holy, holy, is what the angels sing,
And I expect to help them make the courts of Heaven ring;
But when I sing redemption’s story, they will fold their wings,
For angels never felt the joys that our salvation brings.
4. So, although I’m not an angel, 
yet I know that over there
I will join a blessèd chorus 
that the angels cannot share;
I will sing about my Savior, 
who upon dark Calvary
Freely pardoned my transgressions, 
died to set a sinner free.
 app. An angel has never praise God for His forgiveness to them. We need to give God praise as we enter into His kingdom.
B. You get to come into his throneroom.
be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
ill. Children often have to be reminded to say thank you and to remember to praise those who have been kind to them. We say something like this to them, "What do you say?" (They are enamored with their gift and you have to get their attention) What do you say? It is a wonderful thing when they no longer have to be reminded but the words just come out.
app. Is thanks and praise His name - natural to your lips or does God have to often say to you, "What do you say?" You are IN THE KINGDOM AND GET TO COME TO HIS THRONE ROOM - bring sacrifices of praise with you and give them with thanks to God.
V. Praise Him because He is good.
5  For the LORD is good; 
exp. Has God been good to you?
 ill. I love the chorus - "God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, he's so good to me."
ill. 2 weeks before Jeff Smith died of a very rare brain tumor - I had sung, "God is so good" with Jeff. I finished and I said, "God is good isn't he Jeff?" He could hardly speak but he said, "He is."
A. He's good because he's always willing to forgive.
his mercy is everlasting; 
ill. Peter asked a good question to the Lord - Matthew 18:21  Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?
22  Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.
 question: If we are to forgive (always) God will always forgive. He does so completely.
Psa 103:12  As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.
Micah 7:19  He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.
app. Can you say this morning - Praise God because God is good? He is so forgiving and merciful.
B. He will always be good because He will never change.
and his truth endureth to all generations.
 exp. If you want to frustrate children - keep changing the rules. Play a game and suddenly have a different rule. WE ARE ALL FRUSTRATED BY CHANGING RULES.
ill. We have a large family vehicle - the tip inconsistently would regulate our use of that vehicle. You have to book it - you don't have to book it - finally - you definitely don't have to book it - and then I have to book it.
 exp. Praise God - He doesn't change and the rule book stays the same ETERNALLY!
Psa 119:89  LAMED. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
Mal 3:6  For I am the LORD, I change not;
app. If you think God has changed - maybe you have - He has remained the same. Praise Him - he does not change! 
Conclusion: Unbelievers are under the wrath of God for FORGETTING HIM. It is a great transgression to not glorify and thank God for what He has done. 
Sadder is when God's people cease to praise Him.
We need to praise God this morning.
Everyone - everywhere....
Praise Him because you know Him.
Praise Him because He is God.
Praise Him because He is King.
Praise Him because He is good.

Date: 29 June, 2018

Text: Psalm 100

Title: Praise is Comely for the Upright




Ill. Ofen as I do evangelism I use painting as an illustration of creation.


I'll say to an atheist - imagine me being a tour guide at the National Art Gallery and showing a painting and saying, 

"This incredibly detailed landscape happened when there was an explosion in a paint factory in Edinburgh."


Often people will argue - ok, if God created it then what about all the bad things.


I'll illustrate the Fall of man by saying, "Imagine my glorious painting was vandalized during the night by someon. I'm standing there the next day heart broken over my creation and the tour guide comes in and says, "This artist is contemptible because he marred his awesome creation with grafiti."


All unbelievers ought to stop and think - What does God think about a creation which refuses to praise Him for what He has graciously given to them? Evolution and unbelief have robbed God of His rightfuly praise.


Worse by far - is when God's people cease to give Him praise for all He has given to them.


Psa 33:1  Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright.

Psa 147:1  Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing praises unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.


Psa 103:2  Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:


ill. Israel was warned that in times of ease it is easy to forget the one Who brought you into the land of peace.


Deut. 6:10  And it shall be, when the LORD thy God shall have brought thee into the land which he sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give thee great and goodly cities, which thou buildedst not,

11  And houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full;

12  Then beware lest thou forget the LORD, which brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.


ill. Paul rightly says....

1Co 4:7  ....and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?


our text: Psalm 100 has a subtitle - "A Psalm of Praise"


We need to praise God this morning! Are you praising God?

When you stop praising God you have forgotten the source of your blessing.


Praise Him everyone!

exp. It is sad to hear God's name taken in vain.

 ill. When I hear it people say, "O my God" I will often say to them, "He is my God." I had one man say, "God almighty!" I said, "You are so correct. He is almighty."

note: Sadly - God is most often talked about vainly!

Exo 20:7  Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

Deu 5:11  Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

  app. Our world has taken up the opportunity to curse Him - we ought to take the opportunity to bless Him.

A. Praise Him audibly!

1  Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.

exp. God's human Creation ought to wake up every morning with praise for the creation. His creation does.

 ill. Walk in the morning and listen to the birds praising His name. Listen to the brook babbling praise to God and the trees singing His praise. GOD WANST US TO LIKEWISE MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE TO HIM.

Ill. God blessed me this week with the energy, weather and strength to stain 12 exterior windows and three doors with 3 coats of stain. Benson helped me to sand them down.

As I was doing that on the hottest day in 20 years (in some places) I heard the kids having a water fight in the driveway - it was a joyful noise. It's delightful to listen to.

 ill. We may get a school near us and I'm excited about that - it is fun to hear the children laughing and playing. THERE IS SOMETHING WONDERFUL ABOUT JOYFUL NOISE.

ill. In contrast - it is burdensome to hear whining and complaining - parents can attest to that.

 app. What kind of noise is coming to the Creator's ears from your life today? Can you WITH CHEER FROM YOUR HEART praise God LOUDLY! Are you excited to be in God's house today learning God's Word?

B. Praise Him everywhere!

1  Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands.

exp. Praise God - the Gospel is an all nations - all lands - Gospel.

ill. Our church in NYC was a lot of fun because it was multi-cultural. Africans, Jamaicans, Hatians, Peruvians, Aftrican, Bolivian (pastor's wife), Irish Catholic New Yorker (Pastor) - now pastored by a young man who's family was from Haiti. 

ill. Free Baptist Chruch has at times been very multi cultural.

 ill. If you don't like other nationalities - you aren't going to enjoy Heaven. People from all lands are going to be there.

 ill. God in his mercy warns ALL LANDS to repent.

Revelation 14:6  And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

7  Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

exp. Scotland is not ok in her atheism.

Psa 9:17  The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Psa 50:22  Now consider this, ye that forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver.

app. Praise God - we can praise our God multi-culturally.


II. Praise Him because you know Him.

exp. I don't blame unbelievers for not giving glory to God. They have never met Him. If they know anything about him - it is intellectual and not relational.

 ill. The early church sacrificed greatly to provide for the needs of the church.

Acts 4:34  Neither was there any among them that lacked: for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold,

35  And laid them down at the apostles' feet: and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.

exp. I imagine that some people sold lands that had been in the family for ages. This is just a guess - but I imaginen that those who knew them better appreciated their sacrifice and let them know their appreciation for what they had given.

 app. We know the great sacrifice of our Lord this morning - it was there that our relationship with Him was established.. 

1Pe 2:24  Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

A. We get to serve Him.

2  Serve the LORD with gladness: 

 question: Why do you serve God - (maybe you don't.) Obviously in that case - you don't count it a privilige to serve Him. But, if you are doing anything for God - why are you doing it?

ill. Attending the Dunhill Links annually. Getting to speak with a lady last year who volunteers every year to help in the tournament. They are volunteers. They get a jacket and some small benefits.They are not sad - THEY SERVE BECAUSE THEY WANT TO SERVE.

ill. Paul viewed his servanthood to Jesus as a HIGH CALLING.

Php 3:14  I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

app. Was it a burden for you to participate in ministry this past month - football tournament, gala parade, gala day? Or was it your joy to be involved in God's work?

B. We get to draw near to Him.

come before his presence with singing.

exp. We ought not to enter into the king's presence with sadness. How can you be near God and not be excited.

ill. Watched a documentary this past week on the British made fighter jet - the Harrier. Only the very best pilots can fly it. One pilate said, "This is my office. I can't imagine why 8 year old doesn't want to grow up to do the job that I do. He loves his job because it keeps him close to his plane.

exp. The greatest joy of doing God's work is that it keeps you close to God.

1Co 3:9  For we are labourers together with God:

 ill. When I was Graduate Assistant at Bob Jones - my position was changed to a manager at the Snack Shop. I was over concessions. They hired my wife to work with me. It was great - newly weds - going to work together. We loved it!

 app. Are you excited to be gather together in God's presence this morning. Did your lips open to sing praise to God this morning?


III. Praise Him because He is God.

3  Know ye that the LORD he is God: 

exp. Wow - the I AM - Jehovah - is God and he is God alone.

Deu 4:35  Unto thee it was shewed, that thou mightest know that the LORD he is God; there is none else beside him.

Deu 4:39  Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else.

1Ki 8:60  That all the people of the earth may know that the LORD is God, and that there is none else.

Isa 45:5  I am the LORD, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:

Isa 45:6  That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the LORD, and there is none else.

Isa 45:18  For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.

Isa 45:22  Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.

Isa 46:9  Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,

exp. Evolution glorifies man as the highest order. Creation reveals that God is INCREDIBLY ABOVE EVERYTHING AS THE SOLE POWER OF ALL THINGS.

A. There is no mankind without him.

it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; 

note: Most of mankind are so foolish that there biggest problem with the Bible is the first verse of the Bible. "In the beginning God.....

exp. Evolution and humanism are "self made" religions. They are a worship system - replacing God with man. Man has achieved it. Man has done it. They hate God - because they are competing against him for glory.

 app. Have you got an ability this morning? Who gave it to you?

Have you got money this morning? Who gave it to you?

Have you got family today? Who gave it to you?

Have you forgotten believer that YOUARE WHAT YOU ARE BY THE GRACE OF GOD?

B. He lovingly cares for us.

we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

ill. Duchess is growing up and we are enjoying getting her out more. She is fun because she is OUR DOG. She is part of the family. We care for her and laugh at her. (She went swimming this week and she looks like a drowned rat when she gets out and then shakes over everyone.)

question: I'm sorry for comparing us to a dog this morning - but isn't there something wonderful about the fact that WE ARE GOD'S PEOPLE AND THE SHEEP OF HIS PASTURE.  Doesn't He then care for us and delight in what is going on in our lives?

 app. Have you thanked him recently for making you "his people" and caring for you as His sheep?


IV. Praise Him because He is King.

A. You get to come into His kingdom.

4  Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: 

ill. Often when you visit someone's home you bring them a gift. It is a wonderfully kind tradition to be a blessing to a home as you enter into it.

ill. Because we often have guests in our home from the States - they will ask us - do you want us to bring something and will insist that we give them some ideas. (imported stuff is fun when they are things that you can't get anywhere else.) 

 exp. God has invited you into His kingdom and he's asked you to bring what only you can give - PRAISE TO HIM.

 ill. Hymn - Holy, holy, is what the angels sing.

1. There is singing up in Heaven 

such as we have never known,

Where the angels sing the praises 

of the Lamb upon the throne,

Their sweet harps are ever tuneful, 

and their voices always clear,

O that we might be more like them 

while we serve the Master here!

Holy, holy, is what the angels sing,

And I expect to help them make the courts of Heaven ring;

But when I sing redemption’s story, they will fold their wings,

For angels never felt the joys that our salvation brings.

4. So, although I’m not an angel, 

yet I know that over there

I will join a blessèd chorus 

that the angels cannot share;

I will sing about my Savior, 

who upon dark Calvary

Freely pardoned my transgressions, 

died to set a sinner free.

 app. An angel has never praise God for His forgiveness to them. We need to give God praise as we enter into His kingdom.

B. You get to come into his throneroom.

be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

ill. Children often have to be reminded to say thank you and to remember to praise those who have been kind to them. We say something like this to them, "What do you say?" (They are enamored with their gift and you have to get their attention) What do you say? It is a wonderful thing when they no longer have to be reminded but the words just come out.

app. Is thanks and praise His name - natural to your lips or does God have to often say to you, "What do you say?" You are IN THE KINGDOM AND GET TO COME TO HIS THRONE ROOM - bring sacrifices of praise with you and give them with thanks to God.


V. Praise Him because He is good.

5  For the LORD is good; 

exp. Has God been good to you?

 ill. I love the chorus - "God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, he's so good to me."

ill. 2 weeks before Jeff Smith died of a very rare brain tumor - I had sung, "God is so good" with Jeff. I finished and I said, "God is good isn't he Jeff?" He could hardly speak but he said, "He is."

A. He's good because he's always willing to forgive.

his mercy is everlasting; 

ill. Peter asked a good question to the Lord - Matthew 18:21  Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?

22  Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

 question: If we are to forgive (always) God will always forgive. He does so completely.

Psa 103:12  As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.

Micah 7:19  He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea.

app. Can you say this morning - Praise God because God is good? He is so forgiving and merciful.

B. He will always be good because He will never change.

and his truth endureth to all generations.

 exp. If you want to frustrate children - keep changing the rules. Play a game and suddenly have a different rule. WE ARE ALL FRUSTRATED BY CHANGING RULES.

ill. We have a large family vehicle - the tip inconsistently would regulate our use of that vehicle. You have to book it - you don't have to book it - finally - you definitely don't have to book it - and then I have to book it.

 exp. Praise God - He doesn't change and the rule book stays the same ETERNALLY!

Psa 119:89  LAMED. For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.

Mal 3:6  For I am the LORD, I change not;

app. If you think God has changed - maybe you have - He has remained the same. Praise Him - he does not change! 


Conclusion: Unbelievers are under the wrath of God for FORGETTING HIM. It is a great transgression to not glorify and thank God for what He has done. 


Sadder is when God's people cease to praise Him.


We need to praise God this morning.


Everyone - everywhere....


Praise Him because you know Him.


Praise Him because He is God.


Praise Him because He is King.


Praise Him because He is good.



Psa 33:1  Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright.

Psa 33:1  Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright.